Irrigation Software &
Landscape Design Software
for Professionals

Tired of shelling out thousands on CAD Software?

If so, Pro Contractor Studio is the solution you've been searching for. Our user-friendly CAD package is designed to be easy to learn, empowering you to complete jobs more efficiently, generate precise bids, and differentiate yourself in the market – all without breaking the bank. Upgrade your workflow and elevate your business with Pro Contractor Studio.

Software Republic offers landscape design software and irrigation design software for contractors, consultants, architects, and other green industry professionals. With tens of thousands of users throughout the world, our software has been the choice of design professionals since 1989.

Why choose Pro Contractor Studio?

Efficient Irrigation Design Software for Optimal Water Management

Time and Cost Savings

One of the significant advantages of utilizing Pro Contractor Studio is the substantial time and cost savings it offers. Professionals can design irrigation systems more efficiently, reducing the overall project timeline. By optimizing pipe sizing, valve placement, and sprinkler layout, Pro Contractor Studio users can also minimize material and labor costs.

Increased Accuracy

Our Irrigation design software significantly improves the accuracy of system designs. By considering various factors such as water flow rates, pressure losses, and precipitation rates, the software ensures precise calculations and eliminates guesswork. This accuracy leads to more efficient irrigation system designs, reducing water waste and enhancing overall performance.

Improved Productivity

With intuitive interfaces and a wide array of features, Pro Contractor Studio enhances productivity for professionals in the field. Tasks that would typically require hours of manual work, such as hydraulic calculations and pipe sizing, can now be completed within minutes. This increased efficiency allows designers to focus more on the creative aspects of their work and deliver better results.

Transforming Landscapes with Innovative Landscape Design Software

Create Stunning Designs

Our advanced landscape design software revolutionizes the way professionals in the landscaping industry bring their creative visions to life. With our cutting-edge software, designing stunning landscapes has never been easier or more efficient. From intricate garden layouts to expansive outdoor spaces, our software empowers you to create visually captivating designs that exceed client expectations.

Extensive Element Library

Our landscape design software offers a comprehensive range of features that cater to every aspect of the design process. Utilize our vast library of plants, trees, and hardscape elements to assemble captivating outdoor environments. With a simple drag-and-drop interface, you can effortlessly experiment with different elements, arranging them to achieve the perfect balance and harmony in your designs.

Land More Clients

Boost your productivity and streamline your workflow with our intuitive landscape design software. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting in the industry, our software provides the tools and flexibility you need to create awe-inspiring landscapes that leave a lasting impression.

Available equipment includes items from...

Hunter Industries Logo
RainBird Logo
Toro Logo
K-Rain Logo
Weathermatic Logo
Irritrol Logo
Rachio Logo
FX Luminaire Logo
NDS Logo
Maxi Jet Logo
Neta-Fim Logo
Febco Logo
Watts Logo
Signature Logo
Griswold Logo
Hyrdo-Rain Logo

Design Like a Pro

Pro Contractor Studio™ is stand-alone design program that does not require any other CAD software to operate. The software is easy to use yet robust in its capabilities. Pro Contractor Studio™ installs directly onto your computer and does not require an Internet connection to operate. Use it for any size residential project to medium size commercial drawings.

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Design Like a Pro

Advanced Landscape & Irrigation Design Software for Professionals

Pro Contractor Studio is a highly regarded irrigation design solution known for its user-friendly interface and powerful features. It offers seamless CAD integration, allowing designers to import site plans and work directly within the software.

  • Our landscape design software offers a comprehensive range of features that cater to every aspect of the design process.
  • Our software incorporates intelligent scheduling capabilities, allowing you to optimize watering times and durations.
  • Stay ahead of the competition with our irrigation design software and enhance your reputation as a leader in water-efficient practices. Unlock the full potential of your projects by utilizing our software to design irrigation systems that save water, reduce costs, and deliver exceptional results.
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Irrigation Design

The irrigation design features of Pro Contractor Studio™ are based on the powerful and proven RainCAD™ technology.

  • Sprinkler placement and sprinkler distribution analysis
  • Automatic pipe sizing and Hydraulic calculations
  • Create material takeoffs, installation estimates, and more...

Software Republic's Irrigation Design Software - Pro Contractor Studio is a comprehensive solution for designing and managing irrigation systems. Offering advanced features like hydraulic analysis, distribution analysis, and water scheduling. Whether you're designing a small residential irrigation system or a commercial project, our software is the perfect solution. Try our irrigation design software today and take your irrigation projects to the next level!

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Sample Irrigation Design
Sample Landscape Design

Landscape Design

With its extensive plant database, area & volume calculation tools, and pattern rendering capabilities, users can create beautifully colored drawings sure to help increase your sales closure rate with ease. The Landscape Design tools also provide an easy way to manage projects, including cost estimation and material list creation.

Commands include:

  • Plant placement, with symbol trim feature to combine overlapping symbols into one
  • Shadow placement
  • Quantity labels, area and volume calculations
  • Easily sort by plant categories, saving frequently used plants
  • The ability to add more plants to the database as necessary
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Lighting Design

The accent lighting design features of Pro Contractor Studio™ include all the tools necessary to complete an accent lighting design.

  • Fixture placement and customizable fixture categories
  • Transformer placement and an easy to place wiring command
  • Total wattage calculations, Voltage drop calculations and more...
A sample lighting design done using Pro Contractor Studio
A sample drainage design

Drainage Design

The drainage design features of Pro Contractor Studio™ include the tools necessary to complete a drainage design including basin placement, linear drains, drainage pipe and runoff calculations.

  • Create a database and place symbols for drainage equipment
  • The Linear Drains command allows you to draw lines representing linear drains such as channel drains
  • Runoff Calculations to calculate the estimated runoff of water over a flat surface area, the minimum pipe inside diameter and the minimum required grate open surface area. The calculations are based on the area, the soil type and vegetation in the form of the Runoff Coefficient, and the worst case estimated rainfall in a one hour period


With Pro Contractor Studio™ you can be designing within minutes. Users can draft a property using the commands in the software, or import a scanned image of a plot plan to begin the design.

  • Insert images for a background image for designing, or simply place a company logo on a design or title block
  • Import/Export DWG and DXF files
  • Customizable Title Blocks
  • A large miscellaneous symbol library to dress up a drawing and make it more meaningful or attractive to the end customer or prospect
A sample drafting design

More Features

Discover even more features to enhance your experience and take your projects to the next level with Pro Contractor Studio's extensive selection of advanced tools and functionalities.

Hydraulic Calculations image

Hydraulic Calculations

By considering factors such as elevation changes, pipe lengths, and friction losses, the software ensures optimal hydraulic performance, avoiding issues like low water pressure or uneven water distribution.

Image of a report

Detailed Reporting

Detailed reporting and documentation capabilities are essential for industry experts. Pro Contrator Studio enables users to generate comprehensive reports, including system specifications, material lists, and cost estimates.

Volume calculations image

Plant Database

Take advantage of our comprehensive plant database. It includes information about thousands of various plant species, their water requirements, and growth characteristics.

Pipe sizing image

Automatic Pipe Sizing

Automatically size lateral lines and mainline pipes in the selected zone(s) from sprinkler symbols to control valves. Adjust settings for pipe type, size, water velocity, and pressure variance. You can choose to color code pipe for each zone or let the program determine the colors based on pipe size settings.

Drafting image

Easy Drafting

Draw lines, arcs, curves, circles, elipses, take measurements, add text, label leaders and more. With the drafting tools in Pro Contractor Studio you're easily able to create complex designs.

Importing an image into Pro Contractor Studio

Import Images

Import popular image formats into your design. Whether it is a plot plan or survey to design on, a company logo, or an accent to bring your drawing to life.

Shane Storch

Lancaster, Texas

You folks are the BEST!! I love the Pro Contractor Studio along with superb customer care. God Bless.

Jim Evans

Lubbock, Texas

I use Pro Contractor Studio daily for my clients and showing crews what to do. I started my career on AutoCAD LT about 15 years ago. I self taught Pro Contractor by watching a few videos and totally switched the next day! With the swift help it only confirms this is the right program to ever use! I can't tell you how important this simple file is to my business and the timely manner I can now get the new landscape plan to the builder. Pro Contractor Studio is my design software for life!

Gary Pestel

Ham Lake, Minnesota

The Pro Contractor Studio software is fabulous! Compared to other design programs I have used, this program is unbelievable.

Lori Palmquist

Oakland, California

I love this program (Pro Contractor Studio)! It makes my job so much easier!

Dean Morin

Leander, Texas

I started using Pro Contractor Studio software in early 2009. I have no previous CAD experience so I attended a couple of training classes to get the fundamentals. We currently have 3 licensed irrigators using Pro Contractor Studio every day. The software has made complying with the new TCEQ rules easy. All of the water districts & cities we work with like the appearance, accuracy and detail that our plans now include. Customers are impressed with the drawings & details, our crews have a easier time installing systems and as-builts are easier to prepare and look more professional. I have to admit that I was skeptical of learning CAD software while running a business, but have been impressed with the training classes, on-going support, updates to software and most importantly the ease at which the irrigation and landscape software is to operate.

William Crabb

Townsville, Australia

This product (Pro Contractor Studio) is great.

Kurl Knight - Landscape Designer

Cayman Islands

I am very impressed with this software. Not only is it affordable, but it is a very comprehensive, powerful and user-friendly program. I have been using Pro Contractor Studio™ for approximately 2 years, and have produced detailed and beautiful landscape and irrigation designs. My customers have been very impressed and this has translated into more sales, it is also a great tool that allows me to communicate effectively with my installation crews. The ease of use and functionality of this program is second to none; my design time has been significantly reduced, in addition to preparing material takeoffs and proposals, you can fully customize this program to your specific needs. Excellent customer service, outstanding software and team, you guys have struck gold with this software. This is by far, one of the best landscape design software programs on the market.


Pro Contractor Studio™is available as a subscription based software program. Subscriptions are purchased for a period of time. Subscriptions may be for as little as 30 days or up to 365 days. This will allow you to create quality CAD drawings with a minimum financial investment. No contract is required and all upgrades to future versions and equipment updates are free to subscribers.

Free Forever

$0 / month

  • Access to all Features
  • No Contract Required
  • No Internet Needed
  • Free Online Helpdesk
  • Save Designs
  • Print Designs

Yearly Plan*

$400 / 365 days

  • Access to all Features
  • No Contract Required
  • No Internet Needed
  • Free Online Helpdesk
  • Save Designs
  • Print Designs

* Multiple license discounts for Pro Contractor Studio™ are available. Click here for additional information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pro Contractor Studio™ is a powerful tool that can help you design efficient and effective irrigation systems for your landscape projects. Whether you're a professional irrigator, landscaper or a DIY enthusiast, our software can help you save time and money while achieving great results. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about our irrigation design software.

Pro Contractor Studio™ provides everything you need other than the operating system itself! With the freedom to import and export .DWG and .DXF files, Pro Contractor Studio allows you to work together with architects without the need for expensive CAD software.

That really depends on the person and their previous computer skills. If you already know how to use a computer with Microsoft® Windows®, you have a head start.

The Pro Contractor Studio™ program includes a complete Online Learning Center with video tutuorials on all of the different commands. Each video is between 1 and 5 minutes long. Going through the tutorials you'll create a design from scratch. From there, the more you become familiar with the software, the faster you will get.

Yes! Our bi-weekly training classes offer a condensed, everything you need to know class that will help you create designs inside Pro Contractor Studio. To learn everything the class covers, as well as register visit our Training page.

We also offer a complete Online Learning Center with video tutuorials on all of the different commands. This is the easiest CAD program to learn. Each video is between 1 and 5 minutes long. The videos will take you through everything from the design interface, working with external files, drafting designs, adding irrigation and landscaping components, and beautifying your finished product.

Yes, after designing your irrigation system Pro Contractor Studio™ has the ability to automatically size lateral line and mainline pipe, as well as automatically and accurately perform hydraulic calculations with elevation changes and pressure loss. It also can perform distribution analysis, create a symbol legend and calculate a complete list of materials.

Pro Contractor Studio™ features a robust irrigation equipment database complete with irrigation equipment from Hunter, Irritrol Systems, K-Rain, Nelson, Netafim, Rain Bird, Toro, and Weathermatic. In addition, there are databases with Febco, Watts, and Wilkins backflow prevention assemblies. There is a database of water meters ranging from 5/8" up to 6" in size. The pipe database includes 17 different categories of pipe in both English and Metric Units of measurement. The categories include poly, PVC, copper, and galvanized. Pipe sizes currently range from 1/2" to 12" in size.

The programs also include a database of more than 2,500 individual plant listings. The plants are broken out into six different categories. You may add categories and plant material to the database.

Not only that, but customizable lighting configurations, and the ability to design and calculate runoff with our drainage features.

Yes and no. While you cannot save a .PCS file as a .PDF, you are able to print your drawings as PDF files to e-mail to clients or other designers.

No. There are no contracts required, Pro Contractor Studio™ can be purchased as either a 30 day or 365 day subscription period. All program upgrades and updates are free of charge to active subscribers. Most of our users choose to subscribe 8 out of 12 months of the year. This model allows you the flexibility to pay for the software and use it only when you want to, and not have to worry about whether or not your card will be charged.
We do not store or keep any credit card information on file.

All of our software is developed for the PC. The Pro Contractor Studio software will run on a Mac only if the Mac is running Microsoft Windows as the operating system. This can be done using a program such as Parallels.

Still have a question? Get in touch and we'll be happy to help answer it!


Here are just a few of the many drawings created with Pro Contractor Studio

  • All
  • Irrigation
  • Landscape
Example of an irrigation design done using Pro Contractor Studio

Sample Irrigation Design - Software Republic

Example of a landscape design done using Pro Contractor Studio

Shrub Plan - Kurt Knight, Arcadia

Example of an irrigation design done using Pro Contractor Studio

Senior Living Irrigation - Doug Goodwin,Irrigation Services, LLC

Example of a landscape design done using Pro Contractor Studio

Landscape design - Kurt Knight, Arcadia

Example of a landscape design done using Pro Contractor Studio

Landscape design - Kurt Knight, Arcadia

Example of an irrigation design done using Pro Contractor Studio

Holiday Inn Irrigation - RPickering Design Services

Example of an irrigation design done using Pro Contractor Studio

Residential Irrigation - H20 Sprinkler Systems

Example of a landscape design done using Pro Contractor Studio

Landscape design - Kurt Knight, Arcadia

Example of a landscape design done using Pro Contractor Studio

Residential Irrigation - RPickering Design Service

Example of a landscape design done using Pro Contractor Studio

Golf Course Irrigation - Ewing Irrigation

Example of a landscape design done using Pro Contractor Studio

Tree Plan - Kurt Knight, Arcadia

Example of an irrigation design done using Pro Contractor Studio

Residential Irrigation - RPickering Design Services

Example of a landscape design done using Pro Contractor Studio

Landscape Design Sample - Software Republic

Example of a landscape design done using Pro Contractor Studio

Landscape Design Sample - Software Republic

Example of a landscape design done using Pro Contractor Studio

Landscape Design Sample - Software Republic

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